The proposal focuses on the Hambach open-cast mine and the soil conveyor belt from Hambach to Bergheim. These two man-made elements have two distinct differences: A difference of physical scale and of time scale. The conveyor line will stop its industrial function in 2008 where as the open-cast mine will cease to work in 2045.
Our proposal works on these two different time scales.
We propose the regeneration of the conveyor line starting in 2008 in a gradual way until 2045, in such a way as to
create anticipation for the larger scale intervention of Hambach. The conveyor line would also serve as a testing
ground for techniques to be used on the second intervention.
Starting in 2045, we envision the Hambach mine as an evolving landscape where the introduction of water, green
surfaces and agricultural activities would interact with natural phenomena (erosion, soil change, succession etc.) and
would create predicted or unpredicted processes over a long period of time.